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Questions and Answers June 2011

Here are questions people have asked me and answers that might tell you something you want to know!!

Q   When and where are your books going to be available? And how much?

A   Inside a Wish will be available for download starting June 1st 2011. I am using the self-publishing service available at amazon.com. This is my first time using this service and so far I am very happy with it.

You can purchase Inside a Wish for a mere 99 cents.

This seems the best way for me to protect my privacy and yours. I also did not want to spend a lot of time sending downloads to people who want to enjoy my story, I would rather be writing a new book!

I plan to publish Crisis Company on August 1st, 2011, the same way.


Q    Why don’t you have real photos of you?

A    In real life, I am a very private person. So I have been working up to posting current photos. This is what I looked like for my 20th Highschool Reunion. Of course, I am a LOT older now. Next photo, I will be even older! lol


Q    I see you finished Crisis Company. Can I read it please?

A    Once I finish the first draft of a book, I put it away for a while before I start ploishing it. I hope to start editing and polishing it in June, and to publish it on August 1st, 2011.

When my youngest editor asked me, she received the same answer:

“I’m sorry, you will have to wait until I am happy with it first.”


Q    Who are your editors?

A    For Inside a WishI had two friends, my daughter, my granddaughter, and my husband. They have all been very supportive for years, sometimes downright pushy, to get me to publish my books. So finally, I am being brave enough to do this. My husband is the best proof reader I have. He catches the little mistakes.


Q    Can I be an editor or proof reader?

A    Please let me know if  you are interested in helping me with Crisis Company. As you can see, my “in-house” editors are almost all women. I need 5 or 6 tween or teen-aged young men to proof read Crisis Company, and also help me make the story believable.

Editors must be available to read Crisis Company about mid-June.

To be chosen as an editor you must be reliable (able to meet a deadline) and trustworthy (you MUST not share the story with anyone else). You must be able to communicate clearly verbally and/or in writing. I allow at least one full month for editors to read my books. An account on Skype would be helpful for discussions but is not essential. Your parents MUST approve using a webcam if you are under the age of majority. I know!! But I am always protective of anyone’s identity so please forgive me for acting like an old Granny!!

If you wish to apply – please send me a Twitter @chucklebeary or post a comment here on my Website. I will keep it confidential. We can then arrange a safe way for you to provide me with further information.


Q   How long does it take to be famous? And make a lot of money?

A   I have no idea!! I am NOT famous and I do not have lots of money!!

What I can tell you is: you should plan at least five years to start a new business and see a profit. That means – do not quit your job when your first book starts to sell, or you get your first commission for a painting. Keep saving and keep working at the job that pays your bills until you are sure your creativity projects are going to be enough to cover your rent and food, and keep the lights on.

I cannot recommend Visionmongers by David Duchemin enough. He outlines the good and the bad in using your talents to earn a living, and documents some of the most successful photographers around – some of whom went bankrupt before they learned the cost of being in business!

You can get a copy of David’s book here –


The first business I started became so successful it almost killed me with overwork. Do NOT do that!! When I became a Creativity Coach, I only had a few students and made sure they received the attention they needed. I also  saved some time and energy to work on my own projects.


Q   What other jobs have you had?

A   Chief cook and bottle washer – that is an old description of a Mom!!

Seriously, I have been a waitress, short order cook, nanny (I worked in this really fancy house with a separate house for the staff to live in), employment counsellor, mediator, library assistant, copier (copying rare articles and books at a University. People from all over the world sent requests)as well as Creativity Coach for the last ten years before I retired.

Thank you for your interest in my stories!

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